Steroid Testosterone Suspension Dosage


Although Testosterone Suspension is not the most popular variant of Testosterone, it holds a certain amount of favorability among a niche group of athletes and bodybuilders that enjoy its use. Testosterone Suspension is actually the least popular among the four most popular variants of Testosterone (Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone Cypionate, Testosterone Propionate, and Testosterone Suspension). Those who immensely enjoy it do so because of the Testosterone Suspension dosage being of much higher potency and faster action than all other forms of Testosterone. The administration of Testosterone Suspension doses initially among the medical establishment proved to be troublesome, as the Testosterone Suspension injections are known to be very painful and irritating to the injection site, and the requirement of very frequent injections were not very convenient for most patients.

The use of Testosterone Suspension doses for the purpose of physique and performance enhancement tend to be even more troublesome for most users, as even more frequent injections of a given Testosterone Suspension dosage are required so as to maintain stable and steady optimal blood plasma levels. Because the half-life of Testosterone Suspension is so short, and the requirement is at least one injection per day (ideally, multiple daily injections are required), many are turned off from its use. This is why many anabolic steroid users, especially beginners, will opt for the long estered Testosterone variants (such as Enanthate and Cypionate), as they exhibit a much longer half-life and require far less frequent administration. The benefit of any given administration of a Testosterone Suspension dosage is that it is pretty much immediately active in the human body once administered, resulting in rapid rises to optimal peak blood plasma levels.

As previously mentioned in the introduction, it is important for all readers to understand that a given Testosterone Suspension dosage contains far more pure and active Testosterone per mg of injection than any other forms of Testosterone. Therefore, the Testosterone Suspension dosage required to elicit positive effects on performance and physique enhancement might not always necessarily have to be as high of a dosage as other Testosterone preparations. To give an example and comparison, the following is a list of approximate amounts of pure Testosterone contained in a given amount of the four most popular Testosterone preparations:

100mg Testosterone Suspension (un-esterified Testosterone) = 100mg Testosterone
100mg Testosterone Propionate = 80mg Testosterone
100mg Testosterone Enanthate = 70mg Testosterone
100mg Testosterone Cypionate = 69mg Testosterone

Medical Testosterone Suspension Dosage

Clinically and medically, the medical Testosterone Suspension dosage utilized for the purpose of the treatment of hypogonadism (insufficient androgen production) is that of 25mg administered 2 – 3 times per week.

Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Testosterone Suspension Dosage

For the most part, due to the inconvenient and uncomfortable nature of Testosterone Suspension, this preparation of Testosterone is widely considered to be an advanced level anabolic steroid. The majority of users that tend to utilize Testosterone Suspension happens to be advanced level athletes or bodybuilders that have already attempted perhaps years of many cycles of other compounds. For the most part, Testosterone Suspension tends to scare away many beginner (and even intermediate) anabolic steroid users due to the uncomfortable injections and the requirement for frequent administrations. Normally, once the individual has attempted the use of even short-estered anabolic steroids (such as Testosterone Propionate or Trenbolone Acetate) and experienced more frequent injections, they would be prepared to enter the world of Testosterone Suspension doses that must be administered, for the most part, even more frequently.

For beginner anabolic steroid users, the Testosterone Suspension dosage required for the purpose of performance and physique enhancement is in the range of 100mg administered every other day (although it is highly recommended to administer at least once daily injections to maintain stable blood plasma levels). Ideally, an intermediate Testosterone Suspension dosage is normally in the range of 50 – 100mg per day. An example of an advanced Testosterone Suspension dosage is in the range of as high as 100 – 200mg per day. Such a high dose administered as frequently as every day (or multiple times per day) can elicit very rapid strength and mass gain in a very short time period.

Female Testosterone Suspension Dosage

Testosterone Suspension is almost never recommended for female use, and is used very rarely in females in the medical field. If it is to be administered to females medically, it is used almost exclusively (and very rarely) in the treatment of female breast cancer, and is furthermore utilized as a last-resort therapy. The Testosterone Suspension dosage for this purpose can be anywhere from 50 – 100mg administered 2 – 3 times per week.

Testosterone Suspension is not recommended for females for the purpose of performance and physique enhancement, as the risk of virilization symptoms is just far too high due to the very strong androgenic properties of Testosterone Suspension, as well as its very fast acting capabilities.

Proper Administration and Timing of Testosterone Suspension Dosage

Testosterone Suspension is a water-based form of Testosterone whereby the Testosterone itself is contained in micrycrystalline format that is suspended in water. The vial must be shaken vigorously prior to injection in order to properly and evenly disperse the hormone before withdrawing it for injection. Testosterone Suspension doses, because of the very short half-life (~24 hours), must be injected ideally every day. Many athletes and bodybuilders will even inject Testosterone Suspension multiple times per day in order to achieve far more stable and steady optimal blood plasma levels.

Testosterone Suspension, due to the nature of the preparation being a solid microcrystal suspension in water, is known to be a very painful injection that frequently causes local irritation, pain, swelling, and redness. The needle requirement for the injection of suspensions is of a much larger gauge than for oil-based compounds, frequently being no smaller than a 22 or 23 gauge. Some veterinary Testosterone Suspension products contain even larger crystals suspended in water, and can require needle gauges as large as 21 gauge for proper injection, which can be very uncomfortable (especially when injecting a compound frequently). The human preparations containing microcrystals are generally better tolerated than some of the cruder and larger crystalline suspensions made by veterinary or underground laboratories.

Expectations and Results from Testosterone Suspension Dosage

Testosterone Suspension, due to the extremely fast acting nature, can produce some of the most rapid size and strength gains ever seen from any anabolic steroid. There is also some evidence of localized muscle growth as a result of no ester being affixed to the Testosterone molecule, and therefore some of the Testosterone injected into a muscle can exhibit direct activity on that muscle very soon after injection. It is not uncommon for users to put on rapid bulk within the first week of administrations of a Testosterone Suspension dosage, often in the range of 5 – 10 lbs within the first week (or even the first several days, depending on the Testosterone Suspension dosage). Often times, Testosterone Suspension is not even utilized in a full cycle, and instead is used an occasional supplementary compound for a pre-workout or pre-event boost to strength and aggression due to its very fast acting nature. More on this in the Testosterone Suspension Cycles portion of this profile.

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Steroid Testosterone Cypionate Dosage


Testosterone Cypionate Dosage

Testosterone Cypionate is very popular, almost rivaling that of Testosterone Enanthate in its use. As previously mentioned, however, Testosterone Cypionate has tended to be the more favorable esterified variant of Testosterone among American anabolic steroid users than Testosterone Enanthate. Although it is still almost as equally as popular today among American anabolic steroid users, it was more so in the past. Today, the rate of use between Testosterone Cypionate and Testosterone Enanthate seems to have reached an almost equal level among American bodybuilders and athletes.

Testosterone in any form is always the recommended first-use anabolic steroid for beginners and first-timers to the anabolic steroid world. Testosterone Cypionate in particular is very popular for this purpose because of its longer half-life and slow release rates, which provide a far more convenient injection schedule for Testosterone Cypionate doses. This is because the vast majority of newcomers and beginners commonly become intimidated by the concept of frequent injections. Testosterone Enanthate is just as popular amongst beginner anabolic steroid users for the same reasons.

Testosterone Cypionate doses are very flexible in terms of the user’s goals in question. Testosterone Cypionate doses can be tailored to any possible goal – cutting, bulking, lean mass cycles all alike. Variation between Testosterone Cypionate doses depending on the user’s goal does occur. For example, the bodybuilding ranges of doses are generally required for an individual that wishes to bulk up or add lean mass. For the purpose of cutting and fat loss, it is generally not a requirement to venture very high in dose ranges due to the fact that the primary concern when engaging in fat loss is the preservation of muscle mass during a caloric deficit in which muscle loss is a risk without the use of anabolic steroids. In such a case, lower doses are usually all that is necessary. Testosterone Cypionate doses also include that of Testosterone Replacement Therpay (TRT) doses. This refers to a dose of Testosterone Cypionate that is identical to the weekly dose of Testosterone endogenously manufactured by the human body (approximately 50 – 70mg weekly). This is necessary in cycles where an individual wishes to stack an additional anabolic steroid with Testosterone Cypionate and have that anabolic steroid provide the muscle growth effects while Testosterone Cypionate takes on the supportive role of merely maintaining normal physiological levels of Testosterone. A dose of 100mg weekly of Testosterone Cypionate is considered a sufficient TRT dose. Any higher and the user begins to run the risk of increased aromatization from supraphysiological Testosterone Cypionate doses.

This leads to the next most important point: Testosterone must absolutely be utilized alongside every other anabolic steroid. There exists almost no anabolic steroid analogue that can be run solitarily on its own, and must be stacked with Testosterone in order to maintain normal physiological function that is provided by endogenous Testosterone. When utilizing any anabolic steroid, the human body’s endogenous natural Testosterone production is suppressed or shut down, and some form of exogenous Testosterone (such as Testosterone Cypionate) must be utilized in order to provide the body with, at the very least, proper physiological levels of Testosterone in the absence of endogenous production (suppressed by the use of anabolic steroids). Hence the use of Testosterone at TRT doses during any given cycle.

Medical Testosterone Cypionate Dosage

Within the field of medicine, prescription guidelines for Testosterone Cypionate doses for the purpose of adult male androgen deficiency (hypogonadism and andropause) is determined to be 50 – 400mg administered once every 2 – 4 weeks. The specific dose will always depend on the individual in question, and how much Testosterone Cypionate is required in order to sufficiently raise the person’s Testosterone level back up to a normal range. This is most usually determined through blood tests and a doctor’s reccomendations.

Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Testosterone Enanthate Dosage

For the purpose of physique and performance enhancement, Testosterone Cypionate dosages tend to vary between the three tiers of users (beginner, intermediate, and advanced). Testosterone Cypionate dosages are also administered weekly at the very least, and should optimally be administered twice weekly with each injection spaced evenly apart. This is obviously very different from medical prescription guidelines, but for the purpose of physique and performance enhancement, the administration schedule must be run differently. Beginner Testosterone Cypionate dosages are in the range of 300 – 500mg weekly, and even on the lowest end of this range, any first-time beginner should see impressive progress considering the brand-new use. Intermediate Testosterone Cypionate dosages are in the range of 500 – 700mg per week; however, it is never usually necessary for any intermediate user to venture above 500mg per week. One must always remember that increasing doses will always lead to a higher incidence of more pronounced side effects. This leads to the next major point before describing advanced Testosterone Cypionate doses, which is the clarification that higher doses and excessively high doses are not the definition of an advanced anabolic steroid user of any type. Once again, increased doses are correlated with an increased incidence of side effects. With this being said, advanced Testosterone Cypionate dosages should never require an increase above the intermediate range, but can be seen in some advanced users as high as 700 – 1,000mg per week or higher.

Excessively high doses are for the most part unnecessary (and this can be applied to any anabolic steroid, not just Testosterone Cypionate). However, many bodybuilders have been known to use extremely high Testosterone Cypionate dosages. However, this was a very frequent occurrence during the early 1990s, at a time when Testosterone Cypionate was known as being very inexpensive and very easy to locate on the market. Such an attitude is much easier to adopt when the average price of a 10ml Testosterone Cypionate vial was 80% cheaper 20 years ago than it is today. In general, the practice of mega dosing with Testosterone Cypionate or any anabolic steroid is a very inefficient one.

Female Testosterone Cypionate Dosage

The use of Testosterone Cypionate among female anabolic steroid users is very uncommon due to the fact that this is a strong androgenic compound, and virilization symptoms are of a high occurrence rate and tend to manifest very rapidly. Testosterone Cypionate, therefore, is not recommended for female use and there exists very little data on dosing practices with this compound.

Proper Administration and Timing of Testosterone Cypionate Dosages

Testosterone Cypionate possesses a half-life of approximately 12 days. Therefore, Testosterone Cypionate dosages require administration only twice weekly, with each injection spaced evenly apart. For example, if an individual wishes to use 500mg per week, the administration protocol would call for a 250mg injection on Monday, followed by a 250mg injection on Thursday. Although single weekly injections tend to work as well, it is far less efficient and produces unstable blood plasma levels that involve peaks and valleys in rapid rising and lowering. The result is often pronounced side effects alongside less efficient progress.

Expectations and Results From Testosterone Cypionate Dosages

Testosterone Cypionate is simply an esterified variant of Testosterone, and as such, the expectations in terms of effects, gains, and side effects are what would generally result from any Testosterone product. As Testosterone is anaromatizable anabolic steroid that produces moderate Estrogenic activity, every individual can expect an increase in water weight gain resulting from the water retention from Estrogen levels rising. Unfortunately this is undesirable during fat loss and lean mass phases where the extra puffy and soft look provided by the water retention is undesirable. The use of an aromatase inhibitor should solve this issue for the most part, but this will be further explained in the side effects portion of this profile. Aside from the obvious weight gain resulting from water retention, Testosterone Cypionate is an excellent powerful mass builder and strength gaining compound when utilized at bodybuilding doses. Individuals can expect dramatic strength and size gains, but a solid portion of the weight of these gains should be understood as attributed to water retention if an aromatase inhibitor is not included in the cycle.

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Steroid Testosterone Propionate Dosage


Testosterone Propionate is regarded as a fairly popular and common anabolic steroid, as but to a far lesser extent than most other esterified variants of Testosterone. This is because of the previously mentioned aspect of inconvenience concerning Testosterone Propionate doses and dosing schedules, which will be further explained in more detail. Testosterone in any of its forms serves as an absolutely essential anabolic steroid that should be utilized in literally every single cycle, and there are no exceptions to this rule. Testosterone Propionate in particular is less commonly used as a first-time anabolic steroid by brand new beginners to the world of anabolic steroids. This is because of its short-acting nature with its short half-life necessitating frequent Testosterone Propionate doses (every other day injections at the very least), which presents a far greater degree of inconvenience for beginners, as the majority of newcomers might not enjoy such an inconvenient administration schedule. Therefore, Testosterone Enanthate and Testosterone Cypionate are far more popular and common choices among beginners, which only require two injections, administered every week.

It has been mentioned in the introduction that Testosterone itself possesses a moderate level of Estrogenic activity due to its moderate level of interaction with the aromatase enzyme. This should always be considered when Testosterone Propionate dosages are taken into account, as the level of aromatization and therefore Estrogenic activity will always be dose-dependent whereby Testosterone Propionate doses that are high enough for the purpose of physique and performance enhancement will always be high enough to promote notable amounts of aromatization. The higher the dose of an aromatizable androgen (such as Testosterone) that is used, increasing rates of aromatization will result. At the very least, moderate amounts of an aromatase inhibitor is always advised on a cycle involving bodybuilding doses of Testosterone, but this will be covered in greater detail in the side effects section of this profile.

An extremely important point must be made clear to the reader before the example cycles are listed is the fact that Testosterone should at all times be considered the base compound of any and all anabolic steroid cycles. It should also be the very first and only compound utilized in a first-time beginner cycle, and the various reasons are as follows:

1. Testosterone’s secured spot in every single anabolic steroid cycle is absolutely necessary every single time. For the duration of anabolic steroid cycles, endogenous natural production of Testosterone will always become suppressed and/or completely shut down due to the use of exogenous androgens. The use of some form of exogenous Testosterone is always a necessity in order to maintain normal physiological functions that are governed by Testosterone in the absence of proper endogenous Testosterone levels.

2. Testosterone is the only anabolic steroid that without a doubt can be used on its own, and it frequently is used solitarily by many athletes and bodybuilders. The reason for the ability of solitary use is related to the first point made above.

3. Testosterone is one of the most versatile anabolic steroids in terms of its dosing schemes and its manner of use in cycles. It acts as an excellent bulking and strength agent, an excellent mass building compound, and can also be utilized effectively for cutting cycles and fat loss phases.

Medical Testosterone Propionate Dosages

Within medicine, Testosterone Propionate is primarily utilized for the treatment of androgen deficiency in adult males (hypogonadism or andropause).The original prescription guidelines stated that Testosterone Propionate doses for such a condition are that of 25mg 2 – 3 times weekly. Modern prescription guidelines and the range at 25 – 50mg administered every other day or every two days for a total of 2 – 3 times weekly.

Testosterone Propionate is also utilized, though rarely, as an adjunct therapy for female breast cancer patients, and because this is such a rare application, the prescription guidelines for such a use have never been set in stone. However, one study conducted over the course of 16 months from October 1946 – January 1948 had 12 breast cancer patients utilize Testosterone Propionate at a dose of 150mg weekly (50mg administered every other day)[1]. This particular dose would be considered far too high for females, but under the conditions it was deemed necessary.

Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Testosterone Propionate Dosages

For the purpose of physique and performance enhancement, Testosterone Propionate doses are very similar to the total cumulative weekly doses of every single Testosterone preparation. The difference with Testosterone Propionate doses is that it must be administered more frequently. Beginner Testosterone Propionate doses are normally in the range of 300 – 500mg weekly, especially for a very first anabolic steroid cycle (this would usually equate to 75 – 125mg every other day). Even the lowest end of the range, 300mg, will provide some dramatic improvements in physique and strength provided that the beginner’s nutrition and training is properly adjusted and strict. Intermediate Testosterone Propionate doses will generally land within the range of 500 – 700mg weekly (translating to 125 – 175mg every other day), with no requirements of venturing any higher than 500mg most of the time. Some intermediate users have been known to venture slightly higher, but this should never usually be necessary if, once again, the individual’s nutrition and training components are properly structured. Advanced Testosterone Propionate doses do not usually rise higher than the intermediate doses, but are known to venture as high as 700 – 1,000mg weekly or more (these doses translate to 175 – 250mg weekly). However, it is very important to remember the emphasis on nutrition and training as the key drivers as to which direction the individual carries their goals to. The other very important emphasis is also the point that higher doses and excessively high doses are not the definition of an advanced anabolic steroid user of any type. Remember that increased Testosterone Propionate doses will always correlate with an increase in aromatization and increases in the severity of side effects.

It is not always necessary for Testosterone to be utilized in high bodybuilding doses as a primary anabolic in a cycle. Testosterone Propionate will frequently be stacked alongside other anabolic steroids in a given cycle. Because the individual would be utilizing other anabolic steroids simultaneously, it is not always necessary to run Testosterone at doses of 300mg, 500mg, 700mg, or more. In such a cycle, Testosterone can be relegated to a supportive role of providing TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) while other compounds are utilized as the primary muscle-building anabolics. This is the concept behind running Testosterone at TRT doses. The idea behind this concept is the utilization of Testosterone at what would be as close as possible to reflecting the body’s endogenously manufactured physiological dose. The purpose behind such a practice is for the maintenance of proper normal physiological functions that Testosterone governs and regulates in the body, and this is done during a period during which the user’s natural endogenous Testosterone production is shut down or suppressed as a result of the anabolic steroids utilized in a cycle. Proper Testosterone Propionate doses for the purpose of TRT are approximately 100mg weekly and no higher (this translates to 25mg every other day), seeing as though the human body manufactures approximately 50 – 70mg endogenously (depending on factors such as genetics, age, lifestyle habits, etc.). This also serves a dual function where by it will also eliminate or lower the rate of aromatization of Testosterone into Estrogen, negating the requirement for aromatase inhibitors in all but the most sensitive individuals.

Female Testosterone Propionate Dosage

Testosterone Propionate use among female anabolic steroid users is very rare, considering its strong androgenic rating in comparison to other anabolic steroids that may be weaker in this regard. Testosterone Propionate is used medically for the treatment of female breast cancer patients, and also for the treatment of female-to-male transgender transformations. It is not recommended for females for the purpose of performance and physique enhancement due to the strong tendency for the manifestation of virilization effects that can be very quick to manifest during use of strong androgens such as Testosterone,Trenbolone, etc. With this having been stated, there exists a small amount of female users that favor Testosterone Propionate due to the fact that blood plasma levels of Testosterone Propionate (due to the short ester) are much easier to maintain control over. This is usually the case when virilization symptoms become prominent, cessation of the compound will result in a fast clearance from the body in a matter of days due to the short half-life (rather than weeks as with the longer estered forms of Testosterone). Female Testosterone Propionate doses in this case would be found in the range of 25mg every 5 – 7 days for an average of 6 – 8 weeks (and often shorter).

Proper Administration and Timing of Testosterone Propionate Dosages

Testosterone Propionate possesses a half-life of 4.5 days due to the shorter Propionate ester in comparison to the longer estered variants of Testosterone. Testosterone Propionate doses require injections administered every other day at the very least, regardless of week days, so as to ensure stable blood levels. For example, if an individual’s intention is to administer 400mg weekly of Testosterone Propionate, it is advised to inject 100mg on Monday, 100mg on Wednesday, 100mg on Friday, 100mg on Sunday, 100mg on Tuesday, and so on and so forth.

It should be made aware that Testosterone Propionate is not highly favored among individuals not only because of the issue of frequent injections, but also because the majority of Testosterone Propionate is considered by many to be a very painful injection. This due in part because of the short-length chain of the Propionate ester, known to irritate the injection site, and also due in part because of the higher amounts of co-solvents (such as benzyl alcohol and benzyl benzoate) which are known for injection site irritation as well but are necessary in higher amounts in high-concentration anabolic steroid preparations. Some users can be very sensitive to these effects, and will avoid Testosterone Propionate at all costs, as reactions in those very sensitive can result in intense soreness at the injection site accompanied by a slight body fever that usually lasts for 2 – 4 days following the first few injections. The potential  injection site irritation and soreness combined with the fact that Testosterone Propionate must be administered often, is the reason as to why it is not a highly favored Testosterone variant except among a small niche of users.

Expectations and Results From Testosterone Enanthate Dosages

As Testosterone Propionate is, of course, Testosterone, it suffers from moderate aromatization which results in the Estrogenic side effects of bloating, water retention, elevated blood pressure (as a result of the bloating), and risks of gynecomastia. This soft and puffy look that bloating brings to the physique is generally undesirable for most users that wish to engage in cutting cycles or lean mass cycles. Therefore, Testosterone Propionate must be utilized with an aromatase inhibitor in order to disable the aromatase enzyme and eliminate the water retention effect of the Estrogen conversion, which should result in a harder looking physique without the soft puffiness. In doing so, Testosterone can successfully be utilized as a ‘hardening’ and cutting compound, as well as for lean mass gains. Some individuals prefer the water retention, convinced that it aids in protecting tissues and connective tissue from the stressors of heavy strength gains and heavy lifting, and therefore Testosterone is preferred as a bulking and strength gaining compound in this case. In any case, Testosterone is also an excellent compound for all-out bulking and strength gaining cycles, which is what its main use seems to be among bodybuilders and athletes. It is a very versatile compound that can provide the anabolic strength necessary for bulking phases.

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Steroid Testosterone Enanthate Dosage


Testosterone Enanthate is the most commonly prescribed Testosterone variant in medicine in the whole world. It is also one of the most popular longer acting forms of Testosterone in use by athletes and bodybuilders, sharing the same amount of use and popularity with the almost identical Testosterone Cypionate variant. Testosterone in any of its forms serves as an absolutely essential anabolic steroid that should be used in literally every single cycle with no exceptions to this rule. Testosterone Enanthate in particular is very commonly used as a first-time anabolic steroid by brand new beginners to the world of anabolic steroids. This is due to its long-acting nature with its longer half-life, which presents a far greater degree of convenience for beginners who may not enjoy the idea of frequent injections, as Testosterone Enanthate only requires two injections administered every week, spaced evenly apart from one another so as to ensure stable blood levels. As every single first-timer beginner cycle should be Testosterone only, Testosterone Enanthate is commonly the Testosterone variant of choice for first cycles. Testosterone itself no matter the ester attached is an extremely versatile and flexible anabolic steroid in terms of the manner in which it can be utilized. Testosterone Enanthate doses possess a large window of flexibility depending on user goals, the type of cycle, and other various factors.

What must be first understood is that Testosterone is an anabolic steroid that possesses moderate Estrogenic activity through its moderate level of interaction with the aromatase enzyme (the enzyme responsible for the conversion of Testosterone into Estrogen). Factors such as these must be taken into consideration when determining Testosterone Enanthate doses. Of course, aromatization will always be dose-dependent but along those lines, Testosterone Enanthate doses that are high enough for the purpose of physique and performance enhancement will always be high enough to promote notable amounts of aromatization. The higher the dose of an aromatizable androgen (such as Testosterone) used, increasing rates of aromatization will result. At the very least, moderate amounts of an aromatase inhibitor is always advised on a cycle involving bodybuilding doses of Testosterone, but this will be covered in greater detail in the Testosterone Enanthate side effects portion of this profile.

One point of utmost importance to be covered before example cycles are listed is the fact that Testosterone should at all times be considered the base compound of any and all anabolic steroid cycles, it should be the very first and only compound used in a first-time beginner cycle, and the various reasons are as follows:

1. Testosterone’s place in every single anabolic steroid cycle is absolutely necessary every single time. For the duration of anabolic steroid cycles, endogenous natural production of Testosterone will always become suppressed and/or completely shut down due to the use of exogenous androgens. The use of some form of exogenous Testosterone is always a necessity in order to maintain normal physiological functions that are governed by Testosterone in the absence of proper endogenous Testosterone levels.

2. Testosterone is the only anabolic steroid that without a doubt can be used on its own, and it frequently is used solitarily by many athletes and bodybuilders. The reason for the ability of solitary use is related to the first point made above.

3. Testosterone is one of the most versatile anabolic steroids in terms of its dosing schemes and its manner of use in cycles. It acts as an excellent bulking and strength agent, an excellent mass building compound, and can also be utilized effectively for cutting cycles and fat loss phases.


Medical Testosterone Enanthate Dosage

In the medical field, Testosterone Enanthate is primarily utilized for the treatment of androgen deficiency in adult males (hypogonadism or andropause). Testosterone Enanthate dosages for such a condition as determined by prescription guidelines are that of 50 – 400mg administered every 2 – 4 weeks.


Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Testosterone Enanthate Dosages

For the purpose of physique and performance enhancement, Testosterone Enanthate doses most usually administered weekly at the very least (as opposed to administered every 2 – 4 weeks as outlined by prescription guidelines). However, Testosterone Enanthate doses should ideally be administered twice per week, with each dose spread evenly apart (Monday and Thursday, for example). This is to ensure the most stable optimal peak blood plasma levels of Testosterone is achieved, as single weekly injections will often produce wild peaks and valleys in blood plasma levels, which often result in more pronounced side effects among impaired potential gains. Beginner Testosterone Enanthate doses are in the range of 300 – 500mg weekly, especially for a very first anabolic steroid cycle. Even the lowest end of the range, 300mg, will provide some dramatic improvements in physique and strength provided that the beginner’s nutrition and training is properly adjusted and strict. Intermediate Testosterone Enanthate doses will generally land within the range of 500 – 700mg weekly, with no requirements of venturing any higher than 500mg most of the time. Some intermediate users have been known to venture slightly higher, but this should never usually be necessary if the individual’s nutrition and training components are properly structured. Advanced Testosterone Enanthate doses do not usually rise higher than the intermediate doses, but can be seen as high as 700 – 1,000mg weekly or more. However, it is very important to remember the key point that higher doses and excessively high doses are not the definition of an advanced anabolic steroid user of any type. Remember that increased Testosterone Enanthate doses will always correlate with an increase in aromatization and increases in the severity of side effects.

It is not always necessary for Testosterone to be utilized in high bodybuilding doses as a primary anabolic in a cycle. Testosterone Enanthate will frequently be stacked alongside other anabolic steroids in a given cycle. Because the individual is engaging in the use of other compounds, it is not always necessary to run Testosterone at doses of 300mg, 500mg, 700mg, or more. In such a cycle, Testosterone can be relegated to a supportive role of providing TRT(Testosterone Replacement Therapy) while other compounds are utilized as the primary muscle-building anabolics. This is what is known as running Testosterone at TRT doses. The concept here is to utilize Testosterone at a normal physiological dose, which is designed to mimic the same levels of Testosterone that is endogenously naturally produced by the body. The purpose here is for the maintenance of proper normal physiological functions that Testosterone governs in the body, and this is done during a time in which the user’s natural endogenous Testosterone production is shut down or suppressed as a result of the anabolic steroids utilized in a cycle. Proper Testosterone Enanthate doses for the purpose of TRT are approximately 100mg weekly and no higher. This will also serve to eliminate or lower the rate of aromatization of Testosterone into Estrogen, negating the requirement for aromatase inhibitors in all but the most sensitive individuals.


Female Testosterone Enanthate Dosage

Testosterone Enanthate use among female anabolic steroid users is very rare, considering its strong androgenic rating in comparison to other anabolic steroids that may be weaker in this regard. Testosterone Enanthate is used medically for the treatment of female breast cancer patients, and also for the treatment of female-to-male transgender transformations. It is not recommended for females for the purpose of performance and physique enhancement due to the strong tendency for the manifestation of virilization effects that can be very quick to manifest during use of strong androgens such as Testosterone,Trenbolone, etc.


Proper Administration and Timing of Testosterone Enanthate Dosages

Testosterone Enanthate possesses a half-life of 10 days due to the longer Enanthate ester. Testosterone Enanthate doses only require two injections administered every week and spaced evenly apart from one another so as to ensure stable blood levels. For example, if an individual’s intention is to administer 300mg weekly of Testosterone Enanthate, it is advised to inject 150mg on Monday followed by the other 150 on Thursday. Although one may be able to ‘make-do’ with single weekly injections, this is not recommended due to unstable blood levels producing a greater incidence of side effects and less than desirable effects on progress and gains.


Expectations and Results From Testosterone Enanthate Dosages

As Testosterone Enanthate is, of course, Testosterone, it suffers from moderate aromatization which results in the Estrogenic side effects of bloating, water retention, elevated blood pressure (as a result of the bloating), and risks of gynecomastia. This soft and puffy look that bloating brings to the physique is generally undesirable for most users that wish to engage in cutting cycles or lean mass cycles. Therefore, Testosterone Enanthate must be utilized with an aromatase inhibitor in order to disable the aromatase enzyme and eliminate the water retention effect of the Estrogen conversion, which should result in a harder looking physique without the soft puffiness. In doing so, Testosterone can successfully be utilized as a ‘hardening’ and cutting compound, as well as for lean mass gains. Some individuals prefer the water retention, convinced that it aids in protecting tissues and connective tissue from the stressors of heavy strength gains and heavy lifting, and therefore Testosterone is preferred as a bulking and strength gaining compound in this case. In any case, Testosterone is also an excellent compound for all-out bulking and strength gaining cycles, which is what its main use seems to be among bodybuilders and athletes. It is a very versatile compound that can provide the anabolic strength necessary for bulking phases.

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